Top 7 Benefits Of Ayurvedic Hot Oil Treatment For Your Hair!


Ayurvedic hot oil head massage is a healing technique that involves the use of important points (Marmas) in the head. It has the ability to control the driving force and energy (Vayu) of all of your body's functions, resulting in healthy hair.

"To keep your hair healthy, Ayurveda recommends Snehana (oiling) and Swedana (stimulating sweat)." Hair is a byproduct of bone tissue, and hot oil massage, when combined with Snehana-Swedana, improves bone tissue, resulting in healthy hair strands."

Ayurvedic Hot Oil Treatment also regulates Agni (bio-digestive fire) in your body, which can improve cell functions in your hair follicle stem cells, resulting in hair growth regeneration. Frequent hot oil massage keeps vitiated Doshas (body humor) from accumulating in your hair roots and improves blood circulation to your hair follicles, promoting hair growth."

Ayurvedic Hot Oil Treatment also creates a pulling force in your hair roots lubricates your scalp and nourishes your strands, giving your hair long-term health and beauty.

The finest hair oil for hair growth and thickness is Vithoba Ayurvedic Kesh Oil. It prevents hair from greying by strengthening the hair roots, removing dandruff, reducing hair fall, making hair lustrous and bouncy. You can also use Vithoba Ayurvedic Kesh Oil for Hot OilTreatment For Your Hair. Vithoba Ayurvedic Kesh Oil is available to buy from their online store.

Here are the Top 7 Benefits Of Ayurvedic Hot Oil Treatment For Your Hair:-

  1. Delays Follicle Miniaturization:- As you become older, some hormones block, weaken, and decrease your hair follicles. Regular scalp massages with hot oil clear your follicles, slowing down the shrinkage process and rejuvenating hair growth. It thickens your hair pores and enhances the density of your hair.
  2. Minimizes The Loss Of Protein & Calcium:- Each strand of hair is made up of keratin, an essential protein found in bone tissue. Your body loses protein and calcium as you get aged, which affects hair growth. Natural oils nourish the muscle and bone components of your scalp and help in the intake of protein and calcium, which helps to strengthen roots and reduce hair loss.
  3. Regulates Sebaceous Glands:- Sebaceous glands are extensively distributed on the skin of your scalp. To lubricate your hair, these glands generate an oily fluid called sebum.' Hot oil massage regulates the activity of these glands, allowing your hair to maintain its natural moisture.
  4. Prevents Hair Breakage:- The hot oil penetrates your cuticles and hair strands, repairing damage and restoring elasticity from the root to the tip of each strand, avoiding breakage and split ends. It deeply nourishes your tresses and gives your hair a rich texture and shine.
  5. Stimulates Hair Growth:-Shiro Abhyanga improves blood circulation in the nerves beneath your scalp skin by penetrating deep into the layers of your scalp. This stimulates hair growth by reverting inactive follicles to hair follicles. It helps your hair grow longer and thicker by regulating the life cycle of your hair.
  6. Delays Hair Greying:- Enough nutrition and blood flow to the hair follicles can stimulate melanin production in the stem cells of your hair follicles, reducing grey hair and restoring your natural hair color.
  7. Balances Doshas & Relieves Stress:- Pitta and Vata Doshas, which build up in your hair follicles and cause all of your hair issues can be eased with a hot oil scalp treatment aids in the reduction of mental and physical stress, which is a common cause of hair fall.

The limbic system is stimulated by Ayurvedic hot oil head massage (Champi), which restores emotional balance. It is a component of psycho neuro immunity, which is one of the most important aspects of daily living.

Ayurveda's highly personalized hot oil hair treatment can significantly improve the quality and structure of your hair while also providing long-term results. For best results, combine it with herbal hair care products.

Adding detoxifying drinks and healthy food to your routine, as well as getting enough sleep, will help you see a significant improvement in your hair growth.



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